Local Missions
Providing transitional housing while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with women living in addiction in Panama City and Tallahassee.
Champion Lauren West
Educating, encouraging, supporting, and sharing Christ’s love with Bay County women and men in their crisis pregnancy.
Champion Ingrid "Astrid" Patel
Providing opportunities to know Gods unconditional love to young women who have experienced abuse and other life-controlling issues through a faith-based residential program.
Champion Ted & Karen Davison
Building indigenous leaders in a Memphis inner city neighborhood with a focus on evangelism and discipleship patterned after Jesus’ teaching of His disciples.
Champion Joe Rudolph
Facilitating free, immediate delivery of medical, dental, vision and mental health services to school aged children in Walton and Okaloosa Counties whose families are otherwise unable to access high quality health services.
Champion Clint Gharib
Providing food and other assistance to our neighbors in need in Walton County through their thrift store and the support of volunteers and contributors.
Champion Lynn Richardson
Leading young people to experience the victory that comes from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior through Christian camping and Bible classes in local schools in Samson, Alabama.
Champion Pam Sumblin
Developing healthy children and families in the Panama City community through both residential and outreach programs.
Champion Jody Morgan